New To Rust

Welcome to Rust!

Maybe you have heard of Rust and want to see what all the hype is about, maybe you know a little Rust and want to improve your Rust while writing Dart, for whatever the reason, rust is here to help. Rust has a solid reputation for writing safe, maintainable, and performant code. rust brings the same tools and philosophy to Dart! rust is also a great start to learn and improve your Rust semantics/knowledge. You will write Dart and learn Rust along the way. With rust you can expect all the usual types you see in Rust. Here is a quick matrix comparing Rust, Dart, and Dart with rust:

Rust TypeDart EquivalentrustDescription
[T; N]const [...]/List<T>(growable: false)Arr<T>Fixed size array or list
Iterator<T>Iterator<T>/Iterable<T>Iter<T>Consumable iteration
Option<T>T?Option<T>A type that may hold a value or none
Result<T, E>-Result<T, E>Type used for returning and propagating errors
[T]-Slice<T>View into an array or list
Cell<T>-Cell<T>Value wrapper, useful for primitives
channel<T>-channel<T>Communication between produces and consumers
Mutex<T>-MutexExclusion primitive useful for protecting critical sections
RwLock<T>-RwLockExclusion primitive allowing multiple read operations and exclusive write operations
Path-PathType for file system path manipulation and interaction
Vec<T>List<T>Vec<T>Dynamic/Growable array

To learn more about the Rust programming language, checkout the Rust Book!