New To Dart

Welcome to Dart!

Dart is a great language choice for fast cross platform development and scripting. You'll find that rust is great start to learn Dart's semantics as you will feel like you are writing native rust. rust will introduce you to a few new types you may find useful as a Dart developer:

Rust TypeDart EquivalentrustDescription
[T; N]const [...]/List<T>(growable: false)Arr<T>Fixed size array or list
Iterator<T>Iterator<T>/Iterable<T>Iter<T>Consumable iteration
Option<T>T?Option<T>A type that may hold a value or none
Result<T, E>-Result<T, E>Type used for returning and propagating errors
[T]-Slice<T>View into an array or list
Cell<T>-Cell<T>Value wrapper, useful for primitives
channel<T>-channel<T>Communication between produces and consumers
Mutex<T>-MutexExclusion primitive useful for protecting critical sections
RwLock<T>-RwLockExclusion primitive allowing multiple read operations and exclusive write operations
Path-PathType for file system path manipulation and interaction
Vec<T>List<T>Vec<T>Dynamic/Growable array

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