
Result<T, E> is the type used for returning and propagating errors. It is an alternative to throwing exceptions. It is a sealed type with the variants, Ok(T), representing success and containing a value, and Err(E), representing error and containing an error value.

To better understand the motivation around the Result type refer to this article.


By using the Result type, there is no web of try/catch statements to maintain and hidden control flow bugs, all control flow is defined.

import 'package:rust_core/result.dart';

void main() {
  final result = processOrder("Bob", 2);
  switch(result) {
    Ok(:var ok) => print("Success: $ok"),
    Err(:var err) => print("Error: $err"),

Result<String, String> processOrder(String user, int orderNumber) {
  final result = makeFood(orderNumber);
  if(result case Ok(:final ok)) {
    final paymentResult = processPayment(user);
    if(paymentResult case Ok(ok:final paymentOk)) {
      return Ok("Order of $ok is complete for $user. Payment: $paymentOk");
    return paymentResult;
  return result;

Result<String, String> makeFood(int orderNumber) {
  if (orderNumber == 1) {
    return makeHamburger();
  } else if (orderNumber == 2) {
    return makePizza();
  return Err("Invalid order number.");

Result<String,String> makeHamburger() {
  return Err("Failed to make the hamburger.");

Result<String,String> makePizza() {
  return Ok("pizza");

Result<String,String> processPayment(String user) {
  if (user == "Bob") {
    return Ok("Payment successful.");
  return Err("Payment failed.");


Effects on a Result can be chained in a safe way without needing to inspect the type.

Result<int,String> result = Ok(4);
Result<String, String> finalResult = initialResult
    .map((okValue) => okValue * 2) // Doubling the `Ok` value if present.
    .andThen((okValue) => okValue != 0 ? Ok(10 ~/ okValue) : Err('Division by zero')) // Potentially failing operation.
    .map((okValue) => 'Result is $okValue') // Transforming the successful result into a string.
    .mapErr((errValue) => 'Error: $errValue'); // Transforming any potential error.

// Handling the final `Result`:
  ok: (value) => print('Success: $value'),
  err: (error) => print('Failure: $error'),

See the docs for all methods and extensions.

Adding Predictable Control Flow To Legacy Dart Code

At times, you may need to integrate with legacy code that may throw or code outside your project. To handle these situations you can just wrap the code in a helper function like guard

void main() {
  Result<int,Object> result = guard(functionWillThrow).mapErr((e) => "$e but was guarded");

int functionWillThrow() {
  throw "this message was thrown";


this message was thrown but was guarded

Dart Equivalent To The Rust "?" Early Return Operator

In Dart, the Rust "?" operator (Early Return Operator) functionality in x?, where x is a Result, can be accomplished in two ways


if (x case Err()) {
  return x.into(); // may not need "into()"

into may be needed to change the S type of Result<S,F> for x to that of the functions return type if they are different. into only exits if after the type check, so you will never mishandle a type change since the compiler will stop you. Note: There also exists intoUnchecked that does not require implicit cast of a Result Type.

Early Return Key Notation

"Early Return Key Notation" is a take on "Do Notation" and the "Early Return Key" functions the same way as the "Early Return Operator". The Early Return Key is typically denoted with $ and when passed to a Result it unlocks the inner value, or returns to the surrounding context. e.g.

Result<int, String> innerErrFn() => Err("message");
Result<int, String> earlyReturn() => Result(($) { // Early Return Key
   int y = 2;
   // The function will return here
   int x = innerErrFn()[$];
   return Ok(x + y);

expect(earlyReturn().unwrapErr(), "message");

Using the Early Return Key Notation reduces the need for pattern matching or checking, in a safe way. This is quite a powerful tool. See here for another example.

For async, use the Result.async e.g.

FutureResult<int, String> earlyReturn() => Result.async(($) async {